This plays while watching the VHS received from inside The Kaleidoscope. This sound plays once when the player approaches the entrance to The Kaleidoscope, and once again when the player descends down a floor inside The Kaleidoscope. If you are wise, you will choose to fear the Lord, and listen to him. This sound plays at various points while exploring The Kaleidoscope. The idea of Fear of the Lord is one of the key themes in Proverbs and appears 21 times throughout the book. This seems to be a variation of the Kaleidoscope Drone track, and is currently unused. This is heard while near the entrance of The Kaleidoscope after entering, and stops playing once the player moves away from the entrance. This track plays while exploring The Kaleidoscope, and stops once the player watches the VHS. This plays when encountering something in the Kaleidoscope that's an incorrect memory. Additionally this plays during the Tea Party. Explore Recent Photos Trending Events The Commons Flickr Galleries World Map Camera Finder Flickr Blog Prints. This plays near the end of each day in the Kaleidoscope campaign, and stops playing every time the player receives a letter. It speaks about real life and truth and it tells things how they really are. Mama Tattletail's voice can be heard saying "I'll never forget you!" at the end. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Country Music Tattle Tale Country music is the people's music. This plays in the video "A Message from Waygetter Electronics".
KY), WBKO ABC TV (Bowling Green, KY), WNKY-NBC TV (Bowling.

It plays after the player turns Mama Tattletail off in the Kaleidoscope campaign, though she doesn't pursue the player after they turn her off. Nashville Music Guide, Country Music Tattle Tale, The Daily Country, WGGC (Bowling Green.It plays while being pursued by Mama Tattletail in either campaign. Stream music on Myspace, a place where people come to connect, discover, and share.This track plays at several points in the game: This plays in the official release trailer, and in the VHS received on December 23rd. This is a list of music that plays during the events of Tattletail.Īn extended version of this plays during the opening of each night.